Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 107

November 11, 2021

Legacy Stables | Daniel and Celeste

Daniel and Celeste

Legacy Stables | 10.22.21

Finally after 15 years, Daniel and Celeste are married. This was one thing that was mentioned over and over but doesn’t all great things happen on there and worth the wait. On one of then most beautiful fall days at Legacy Stables in Winston Salem, NC the couple said I do in front of family and friends. I truly adore this couple. I’ve known Celeste since high school and Daniel I also knew of through friends and most importantly he was the brother to a previous bride. The colors of the fall really started to pop. Celeste chose a beautiful hunter green for her bridesmaids and the guys wore tan suits. While the florals popped with a little bits of toffee and orange. It was a combination of colors that worked so wonderful together. It will definitely be a fall wedding to remember! Celeste and Daniel I am so over the moon happy for the both of you! Congratulations again Mr and Mrs Davis!!!!


PLANNER/COORDINATOR:  Dandelions All Things Wedding and Events

FLORALS: Dandelions All Things Wedding and Events

VENUE: Legacy Stables

CATERING: Providence Catering 

DRESS BOUTIQUE: Anjolique Bridal and Formal 

BEAUTY: Rural Hall Hair Company 

CAKE: Cakes by Mel 


GROOM ATTIRE: Generation Tux

BRIDESMAIDS: Dawn’s Bridal

VIDEOGRAPHY: Down South Media

OFFICIANT: Donald Davis and TW Davis

DJ/BAND: Spinfire Entertainment

Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 9 scaled
Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 1 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 2 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 3 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 4 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 5Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 13 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 14

Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 7 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 12 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 11Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 15 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 16 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 17 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 18 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 19 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 20 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 21 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 23 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 25 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 26 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 27 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 28 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 29 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 30 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 31 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 32 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 33 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 34 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 35 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 36 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 37 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 38 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 39 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 41 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 42 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 44 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 45 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 46 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 47 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 48 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 49 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 50
Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 52 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 54 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 56 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 57 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 58 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 59 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 60 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 116 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 119 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 118Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 117Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 61Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 62 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 87Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 63Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 64 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 65 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 66Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 67Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 68 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 69Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 70 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 71Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 73 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 74 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 75 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 76 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 77 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 78 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 79Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 80Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 81 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 82 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 83 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 84 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 85 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 86 scaled
Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 101Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 102Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 111Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 112Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 113Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 114Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 115Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 104 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 105 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 106 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 107Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 108 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 109 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 110 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 121 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 122 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 90 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 91 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 92 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 93 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 94 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 95 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 96 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 97 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 98 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 123 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 124 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 125 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 126 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 129 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 130 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 131 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 132 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 133 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 134 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 135 scaledLegacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 138 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 139 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 140 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 141 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 142 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 143 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 144 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 145 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 146 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 147 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 148 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 149 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 150 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 151 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi 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Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 169 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 170 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 171 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 172 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 173 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 174 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 175 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 176 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 177 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 178 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 179 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 180 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 181 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 182 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 183 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 184 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 185 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 186 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 187 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 188 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 189 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 190 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 191 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 192 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 195 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 196Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 197 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 198 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 199 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 201 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 202 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 203 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 204 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 205 Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 206 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 207 scaled Legacy Stables CelesteDaniel Jodi gray Photography 208 scaled